“My portraits create moments in which beautiful memories and stories are told that are important to pass on, from man to man and generation to generation.”

The viewer becomes curious about cheerful anecdotes and exciting adventures. For wise life lessons and successful decisions. Curious about what eventually brought that person to a sparkling painting. You want to capture yourself or your loved one in a colorful way that shows who you are and what you stand for. You want the artist to tell your story and listen to your ideas and input. I have an eye for your wishes, without sacrificing creativity and exclusivity.The result is without a doubt a piece by the hand of Aurore in which it is clear at first glance about who it is.

Happy customer Art by Aurore
Happy customer art by aurore

Painting someone on a canvas has been done since the olden days. A lasting memory of often valuable events of most important people. Captured by the grandmasters of time. My portraits show that this age-old craft has lost nothing of value, power and beauty. After all, the immortalizing of a loved one in an authentic way is not limited to a spirit of the time. My portraits show who someone is or was and make the spectator (viewer) be touched. For just a moment, the person portrayed becomes a vivid memory, someone with a story. A story that is worth passing on.


“ You are so very very very talented! The painting makes me cry because it is so life like. You did a beautiful job capturing Sean's personality and physical likeness. Thank you so much for sharing your talents. With Gratitude, Heidi ”

Heidi Marie
Sister of Sean Stephenson

“ Oh my goodness... those are both amazingly beautiful... Thank for your work and your artistic gift ”

Gloria Stephenson
Mother of Sean Stephenson

Custom portraits request

For custom portraits/artwork inquiries and pricing, please fill out the form below.
Be sure to include as many descriptive details as possible when sending your request.